Differences between followers and people in the loop

Weronika Masternak
2 min read
updated: Aug 26, 2022

There are two ways to keep people up to date in HelpDesk — followers and people in the loop — but there are different use cases you should know about. Learn the differences and get the most out of this diversity.

The use case for followersLink icon

Main use case:

Becoming a ticket follower is the best way for teams to have a steady flow of information, stay up to date, and provide guidance to speed up the ticket resolution process.

Important annotation:

The ticket following option is limited only to people added to your HelpDesk account as admins, agents, or viewers. For security reasons, you cannot add anyone outside of your HelpDesk account as a follower.

Read the full article about followers.

The use case for people in the loop Link icon

Main use case:

All email addresses that you add to the “People in the loop” field can actively participate in the message exchanges and see the entire message content. People added to the loop can also freely reply to the ticket.

You can add people to the loop in two ways:

  • By editing the “People in the loop” field and adding email addresses of people outside your HelpDesk account. You can include the email addresses of people outside your HelpDesk account, such as customers, suppliers, business partners, third parties, etc.
  • By adding email addresses directly in your email messages using the “CC” field. You can include the email addresses of people outside your HelpDesk account, such as customers, suppliers, business partners, third parties, etc. However, if you happen to include the email addresses of your agents in the “CC” field in an email, they will become followers of the ticket.

Important annotation:

To be clear, the “People in the loop” field isn’t the same as the “Cc” field in your inbox. First of all, in standard email messages, you can see multiple email addresses in the “To” and “Cc” fields, but in HelpDesk, messages are sent separately to each recipient included in the ticket. Find out the difference between the “People in the loop” field and the “CC” field.

Read the full article about people in the loop.

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