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Integrate HelpDesk with OpenWidget

Free 14-day trial Simple setup

HelpDesk and OpenWidget integration

Trusted by 10500+ support experts worldwide

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Be more accessible with a user-friendly website widget

Affordable solution

Create tickets for free

Install a cost-free and ever-present widget powered by OpenWidget on your website. Then, manage all customer conversations from forms on a single HelpDesk dashboard.

Message sent confirmation screen
Communication boost

Simplify communication

Amplify user engagement with a website widget adapted to your requirements. Enhance interaction and make sending customer requests, feedback, suggestions, and other messages easy.

Leave a message interface
Seamless integration

Integrate effortlessly

Embed the widget on your website in a snap — just copy and paste the code snippet into your HTML. It works flawlessly with WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and other CMS platforms you may be using.

Integration process illustration
Simple configuration

Customize to your needs

Create a seamless and user-centric experience and prepare a personalized, warm welcome for your visitors. Also, clearly define your business hours to inform customers of response expectations.

Customization options interface

How do I create and customize the widget for my website?

To set up and personalize your widget, follow these simple steps:

Sign up for a free OpenWidget account.

Access the widget in the app.

Configure your email for receiving customer messages.

Choose or upload an avatar for the contact form card.

Add your name and a personalized welcome message.

Frequently asked questions about this integration

What is a contact form widget?

It's a website tool that lets visitors send messages to the business or support team. OpenWidget's contact form streamlines communication, making it easy for users to connect by filling out fields and providing customization options for messages and working hours.

Is the widget free?

Absolutely! OpenWidget is available at no cost and requires no credit card information during sign-up. Start improving your online customer messaging for free today!

How do I include the widget on my website?

After setting up your OpenWidget account and configuring it, simply copy the provided HTML snippet from the 'Add to Website' section and paste it into your site's HTML. This allows you to use the widget for free! Read more about how to set up and get the most out of the widget.

Magnify your communication potential with HelpDesk and OpenWidget integration

Free 14-day trial Smart features Result-driven system

HelpDesk's awards: Happiest Users in 2023 in Crozdesk, Quality Choice in 2023 in Crozdesk, Trusted Vendor in 2023 in Crozdesk, Users Love Us in G2
The minute you create the automation rules, you can mark it as ready to go live, and it immediately starts working for you.
Melissa Hannam,
the Director of Marketing at Valley Driving School

tickets are handled within four hours through prioritization and tagging.

actions performed by automation rules instead of agents.

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