Customer Journey Mapping: How to Create Perfect Maps

Zuzanna Bocian

Zuzanna Bocian

13 min read
Apr 23, 2024

A customer interacts with your brand multiple times before making a purchase. More than 63% of customers expect brands to know and understand their needs (source). But still, sometimes customers don’t feel the brands fulfill their needs. So, how do you attract a new customer?ย 

Creating a meaningful connection with your customers is crucial for long-term business growth; customer journey marketing can help you achieve this. For instance, a customer may sign up for your website after reading an article, browsing your products, and purchasing. All of these interactions collectively form the customer journey.

What is digital customer journey mapping? How do you utilize it for your business? Let’s explore.ย 

What is a customer journey map?

A company’s journey refers to a customer’s entire process when interacting with a brand, from initial awareness to purchase decisions. It encompasses all the touchpoints and experiences that a customer encounters along the way. Understanding the journey is crucial for businesses. Why?ย ย 

It allows you to identify opportunities for improvement, optimize interactions, and ultimately enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. It also plays a significant role in customer retention strategies.

Five stages of customer journey

Throughout these customer journey stages, customers interact with various touchpoints, which are the contact points between the customer and the company. Touchpoints can include a company’s website, social media profiles, customer service interactions, and more.

Optimizing these touchpoints at each journey stage is essential to provide a seamless and satisfying customer experience.

The benefits of customer journey maps

Improved customer satisfaction

You can identify pain points and areas for improvement by understanding the user journey’s various customer touchpoints and stages. Addressing these issues and providing solutions can lead to a smoother and more satisfying customer experience, ultimately enhancing overall satisfaction.ย 

For example, a retail company maps its customer journey for online purchases. Through journey mapping, they identify that many buyers abandon their carts during checkout due to complicated forms and a lack of guest checkout options.ย 

In response, the company simplifies the checkout process, adds a guest checkout option, and includes progress indicators to guide customers through each step. As a result, customer satisfaction improves, leading to higher completion rates for online purchases.

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Higher conversion rates

A customer journey map is a helpful tool that identifies crucial moments in the customer journey where potential shoppers are most likely to make purchasing decisions. You can increase the likelihood of converting leads into customers by optimizing these touchpoints and providing relevant information or incentives.

For instance, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company can map the customer journey from trial sign-up to subscription. During this process, they may discover that many trial users drop off after the initial sign-up because they need clarification about how to get started. However, the company can improve user engagement and conversion rates from trial to paid subscription by providing personalized onboarding emails, tutorial videos, and live chat support during the trial period.

More effective marketing strategies

Nowadays, you must do more than just run ads to attract customers. The competition is very high. Mapping the customer journey provides insights into the customer’s mindset, preferences, and behaviors at each stage. With this knowledge, you can tailor their marketing strategies and messaging to better resonate with their target audience.

Consider an ecommerce company that plans to launch a new product. To ensure its success, they analyze the customer journey from the initial stage of product awareness to the final stage of purchase. They closely monitor customer behavior at each stage and identify the marketing channels and messages that resonate most with their target audience.ย 

Based on this valuable insight, they tailor their marketing campaigns to better connect with their customers and increase the chances of a successful product launch.ย 

Get a deeper understanding of customer needs

Customer journey mapping is a process that allows you to understand your customers’ journey by stepping into their shoes and seeing things from their perspective. This understanding helps uncover unmet needs, preferences, and pain points that may have gone unnoticed. By aligning products, services, and processes with customer needs, you can better meet and exceed customer expectations.

Identification of opportunities for innovation enhances the customer experience

How do you know which part of the product needs improvement? You can identify opportunities for innovation and differentiation through a customer’s journey map. You may discover new ways to enhance the customer experience, introduce new products or services, or differentiate themselves from competitors.

Essential elements of an effective customer journey map customer

A practical customer journey map comprises several crucial elements that provide valuable insights into the user’s perspective.

Customer personas

Customer personas represent fictional characters that embody the different segments of a business’s target audience. Each buyer persona typically includes demographic information, preferences, goals, and issues. Creating a detailed buyer persona allows you to empathize with their customers and tailor the customer journey map to specific audience segments. But to do that, you need to master customer communication.

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Touchpoints are customers’ interactions with the brand across different channels and platforms. These interactions can occur online (website, social media, email, etc.) or offline (in-store, customer service hotline, etc.).

Customer's touchpoints


Channels are the various mediums or platforms that customers use to interact with a brand. These can be online channels like websites, mobile apps, social media, and email or offline channels like physical stores, events, and customer service centers. Understanding customers’ different channels can help optimize the omnichannel strategy and deliver a seamless experience across all touchpoints.


Emotions play a significant role in shaping a customer’s marketing experience and can influence their purchasing decisions. When creating customer journey maps, it’s important to consider customers’ emotions at each stage, such as excitement, frustration, satisfaction, or disappointment.

To better understand these emotions, you can use sentiment analysis techniques. Analyzing customer feedback, reviews, and social media mentions using natural language processing (NLP) tools can identify and categorize emotional cues in customer interactions.

Pain points

Pain points are customers’ obstacles, challenges, or frustrations with the brand. These can include long wait times, confusing website navigation, product defects, or poor customer service. Improving customer experience and increasing satisfaction and loyalty requires identifying and addressing these difficulties.

Steps to create your customer journey mapย 

Creating a customer journey map is a strategic process that requires careful research. You can use different customer mapping templates to gain valuable insights into their customer journey stage and identify opportunities for improvement by following structured steps.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to creating your customer journey map:

Customer journey marketing strategies and ideas

Create proper awareness for your product or serviceย 

Potential customers learn about a product, service, or brand during the awareness stage. They may see it through advertising, social media, word-of-mouth recommendations, or online searches.

To attract customers, create blog posts, videos, or social media content that addresses common pain points or questions in your industry. Provide valuable insights and solutions without promoting your products directly.

When introducing your brand through marketing efforts, send introductory emails and provide educational content to spark interest and encourage further exploration. Some educational content can be a game-changer for you.

Customer decision-makingย 

In this stage, customers decide to purchase the product or service. This buying process could involve weighing price, features, quality, and brand reputation. They may also evaluate factors like shipping options, return policies, or customer support.

Use journey stage-specific retargeting strategies to re-engage customers who have shown interest but have yet to convert. Serve personalized ads highlighting specific products or promotions they’ve previously viewed. The content for this stage includes:

Purchase stageย 

After becoming aware of the product or service, customers consider whether it meets their needs or solves their problems. They might research more information, compare it with alternatives, read reviews, or seek recommendations from friends or online communities.

Customer decision-makingย 

Now, customers are deciding whether to purchase the product or not. This could involve weighing price, features, quality, and brand reputation. They may also evaluate factors like shipping options, return policies, or customer support.

You can use journey stage-specific retargeting strategies to re-engage customers who have shown interest but have yet to convert or serve personalized ads highlighting specific products or promotions they’ve previously viewed.

Customer retentionย ย 

This is when the customer completes the transaction and acquires the product or service. Depending on the business, it could happen online, in-store, or through other channels. You have to provide top-notch services so they’ll return to you rather than go for another provider.ย 

You can leverage customer data to provide personalized shopping experiences, product recommendations, and customer service. Use past purchase history and preferences to tailor communications and offers.

Then, mechanisms for collecting customer feedback at various stages should be incorporated to continuously refine and personalize the buyer journey.

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Loyalty and advocacyย 

Design loyalty programs that reward customers for repeat purchases and encourage them to become brand advocates to identify loyal users. Offer exclusive perks, discounts, or rewards through customer messaging to incentivize ongoing engagement and referrals.ย 

Integrating customer journey mapping into marketing strategies

Segment your audience

It’s important to understand that each customer is unique, and their journey toward purchasing your product or service may differ from one another. To cater to these differences, you should segment your audience based on demographics, behavior, and preferences. Doing so allows you to create personalized marketing strategies that resonate with customer segments at various stages of their journey. Conducting proper user research can significantly impact the success of your business.

Align content with each stage of the journey

Develop marketing content that caters to customers at each stage of the journey.

For example, create engaging content to raise awareness, informative content to aid the consideration stage, persuasive content to drive decision-making, and helpful content to encourage customer loyalty and advocacy.

Optimize channel mix

Analyze which channels are most effective at different stages of the customer journey.

For instance, social media might be great for raising awareness, while email marketing customer journeys might be more effective for nurturing leads. Allocate your marketing customer journey budget and resources accordingly to optimize channel performance. It would be best if you made a proper service blueprint.

Implement feedback loops

Continuously gather customer feedback at each touchpoint to understand their experiences and pain points. Use this feedback to refine your marketing strategies and improve the customer journey.

Monitor and analyze key metrics

Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rates, engagement metrics, customer satisfaction scores, etc., to gauge the effectiveness of your marketing efforts across different channels. Use this data to iterate and optimize your strategies over time.

Stay agile and iterative

The customer journey is dynamic, so your marketing strategies should be different. Stay agile and be prepared to adapt your tactics based on evolving customer behavior, user research, market trends, and competitive landscape.

Challenges and solutions in customer journey mapping

Getting stuck from the inside-out perspective of the customer journey

Businesses often create journey maps based solely on their internal processes and assumptions rather than the actual experiences of their customers.

Solution: To overcome this challenge, you should adopt an outside-in approach by gathering customer insights through surveys, real-life examples, interviews, and feedback mechanisms. It ensures that the journey map accurately reflects the customer’s perspective and identifies pain points and opportunities for improvement. Make a proper visual representation for better understanding.

Taking too narrow a view of the customer journey

Focusing on more than just specific touchpoints or channels within the customer journey can result in an incomplete understanding of the overall experience.

Solution: Take a holistic view of the customer journey, encompassing all stages, touchpoints, and channels. It can help you identify interactions and dependencies across various touchpoints, enabling them to deliver a seamless and consistent experience across the entire journey.

Overlooking all the participants in the customer journey

Businesses often concentrate solely on the customer’s interaction with their own company. They often need to pay more attention to the involvement of other stakeholders or influencers who may impact the customer’s experience.

Solution: Expand the scope of the journey map to include all relevant participants, such as influencers, partners, and third-party service providers. Consider how each participant contributes to or influences the customer’s experience at different journey stages. This comprehensive approach helps businesses identify collaboration opportunities and potential areas for partnership to enhance the overall positive customer experience.

Lack of data or data overload

A massive amount of data is needed to create accurate and actionable journey maps. Without this data, itโ€™s difficult to target customers and create a marketing funnel.

Solution: Balance qualitative and quantitative data sources to understand the customer journey comprehensively. Use customer feedback, customer journey analytics, journey mapping tools, and other relevant data sources to uncover insights about customer behaviors, preferences, and obstacles. Focus on collecting data pertinent to the specific goals of the journey mapping exercise and prioritize quality over quantity.

Failure to iterate and update journey maps

Customer journeys are dynamic and evolve due to changes in customer behavior, market trends, and business strategies. Failing to update regularly and iterate journey maps can lead to outdated insights and missed opportunities for improvement.

Solution: Treat the entire customer journey as an ongoing rather than a one-time activity. Monitor customer feedback, analyze performance metrics, and incorporate new insights to refine and update journey maps regularly. Establish a feedback loop to capture changes in customer needs and expectations, ensuring that journey maps remain relevant and actionable.



Customer journey mapping is a precious tool for businesses looking to connect with their customers. With today’s fierce competition, using a well-crafted customer journey map template is more important than ever. By thoughtfully analyzing and planning, organizations can pinpoint areas for improvement and elevate customer satisfaction.

Creating a solid customer map is the key to unlocking increased sales and achieving your business goals. With enthusiasm and optimism, we encourage you to explore the benefits of customer mapping and take your customer experiences to the next level.

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