HelpDesk reports

Weronika Masternak
4 min read
updated: Jul 9, 2024

Reports overview - videoLink icon

The “Reports” section gives you an overview of your customer support performance. You can check your average response time, ticket rating, the volume of tickets you receive, ticket sources, and many more.

In HelpDesk, there are six main types of reports:

  • Last 7 days
  • New tickets
  • Ticket satisfaction
  • First response time
  • Resolution time
  • Solved and closed

Last 7 daysLink icon

This report displays a summary of the last seven days of your ticket activity. It shows you everything you should know about the new tickets you received last week. You can check out the following details:

  • How many tickets you received,
  • How many of them were solved or closed,
  • What the average response time is,
  • How well the ticket responses were rated.

Last 7 Days report in HelpDesk.

New ticketsLink icon

In the “New tickets” report, you’ll find three detailed reports. For each report chart, there’s a breakdown at the bottom. 

Take a look at the “New tickets” chart to investigate how many tickets you received in a given time frame.

New Tickets report in HelpDesk.

The “Ticket sources” section shows the sources of customer tickets. Four main ticket sources are listed in the chart:

  • Email
  • Entered manually
  • Contact form
  • Chat
  • ChatBot
  • Webflow

Ticket sources in HelpDesk.

The “New tickets heatmap” is a section that can help you predict how many tickets you’ll receive and how many agents you’ll need to answer them in the future. It gives a graphical summary of the peak times when you receive more tickets than usual.

New tickets heatmap report in HelpDesk.

In the “New Tickets” report, in addition to filtering by date, you can use the following filters to see the performance results you’re interested in:

  • Priority
  • Tag
  • Team

Ticket satisfactionLink icon

The “Ticket satisfaction” report gives you an overview of the ticket rating provided by your customers.

Ticket satisfaction report in HelpDesk.

In the “Ticket satisfaction” report, in addition to filtering by date, you can use the following filters to see the performance results you’re interested in:

  • Agent
  • Priority
  • Tag
  • Team
  • Source

First response timeLink icon

This report is designed to show you how fast your customer gets a response to their question. The results are based on two elements: “time to assign to agent” and “time to respond." You can see how long your team takes to respond to a ticket.

First response time report in HelpDesk.

In the “First response time” report, in addition to filtering by date, you can use the following filters to see the performance results you’re interested in:

  • Agent
  • Priority
  • Tag
  • Team
  • Source

Resolution timeLink icon

The report shows the average time to resolve or close a ticket from:

  • Receiving/manually creating the ticket
  • Assigning it to an agent

In the “Resolution time” report, in addition to filtering by date, you can use the following filters to see the performance results you’re interested in:

  • Agent
  • Priority
  • Tag
  • Team
  • Source

Resolution time report in HelpDesk.

Solved and closedLink icon

This report displays the number of solved and closed tickets. You can see how it relates to all the tickets you received. The chart also shows you data segmented by day.

Solved and closed tickets report.

In the “Solved and closed” report, in addition to filtering by date, you can use the following filters to see the performance results you’re interested in:

  • Agent
  • Priority
  • Tag
  • Team
  • Source
Reports are available only in the desktop view. All tickets marked as SPAM are excluded from the reports.
Reports are available only in the desktop view. All tickets marked as SPAM are excluded from the reports.

Reports exportLink icon

The admin role allows you to generate a report and send it over to the designated email. To do that, go to the Reports section and find the category “Generate report.”

To get the report, you have to choose from the following date ranges:

  • yesterday,
  • last 7 days,
  • last month,
  • custom period.

Data range in reports export.

Then, add the email address to which the report will be sent. You can add one or more email addresses according to your needs.

Click on the “Send report” button. After that, a link to the generated report will be sent to a specified email address. Through the link, you can download a CSV format file of your document through the link.

Generate reports section in the HelpDesk app.

Generating a report may take several minutes, taking into account the amount of data to be processed.
Generating a report may take several minutes, taking into account the amount of data to be processed.

Generate report feature is available in Business and Enterprise plans.

Weekly reportsLink icon

Every Monday, you can receive a support performance report in your inbox. This weekly report gives you an overview of your achievements in one email message.

Example of the weekly summary email.

If you want to get this report, you need to go to your individual account details and enable the “Send me weekly summary emails” option.

Enabling the weekly summary email in account details.

The weekly summary report is only available to the admins.
The weekly summary report is only available to the admins.

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