Ticket dashboard guide

3 min read
updated: Sep 25, 2024
158 29

When you open HelpDesk, you’ll see the ticket dashboard. In this article, we’ll explain how to navigate your dashboard.

In this view, you can see 2 basic sections:

  • Views (on the left)
  • Ticket list (on the right)

Two sections of the ticket dashboard.

ViewsLink icon

Views help you navigate through different ticket lists. They are sorted by views or ticket status. Here, you will also find a search bar and the ‘+ New ticket’ button.

Folder list view.

Also, you can easily spot the number of particular customer cases thanks to the counters.

Counters in the folder lists.

Counters aren’t added to ticket lists related to the “Solved,” “Closed,” and “Spam” statuses, as they may distract you. There’s a small chance that you’ll take them into account in your scope of work.
Counters aren’t added to ticket lists related to the “Solved,” “Closed,” and “Spam” statuses, as they may distract you. There’s a small chance that you’ll take them into account in your scope of work.

Ticket listLink icon

Here you can see all the tickets from a specific view. The list includes following ticket details:

  • Requester’s details
  • Subject
  • Agent
  • Status of the ticket
  • Date of the last message that was sent in the ticket thread

You can choose filters that will help you find tickets according to specific parameters. Learn more about filters.

Ticket list view.

Open a ticket to write a message, access the message history, and the ticket details.

Ticket details and the thread in HelpDesk.

Bulk actions on the ticket listLink icon

Bulk actions are helpful when performing tasks on a large scale. Also, they speed up work during the responsibility assignment.

The option to perform bulk actions is available on all ticket views.

Overview of bulk actions.

You can create and apply a bulk action to a set of your tickets. First, choose all or some of your tickets.

Ticking tickets for mass action.

Ticket selection works only for the tickets visible in the list. Moving to the next ticket page clears the settings within the bulk action.
Ticket selection works only for the tickets visible in the list. Moving to the next ticket page clears the settings within the bulk action.

Select the actions to be performed collectively within the selected tickets.

Change of priority as a bulk action.

When you’re done selecting the actions, click on the “Apply” button to finalize the process.

Applying bulk action for multiple tickets.

After clicking on the “Apply” button, a bulk action is performed, and changes to the selected tickets are made immediately.

A notification that indicates that the bulk action has been successfully completed.

Deleting tickets in bulkLink icon

Deleting tickets as such, not only for bulk actions, is only possible if you have the admin role in HelpDesk. Before you delete your tickets, you’ll be asked for additional confirmation to do this.

Deleting tickets as a bulk action.

Deleting tickets can fail when another agent or admin in the meantime changes the ticket’s attributes, such as status or priority. It can also be a situation when an agent loses access to the ticket.

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