Spam list

Weronika Masternak
2 min read
updated: Feb 20, 2024

Manage your spam list by adding email addresses and domainsLink icon

You can define your own anti-spam rules in HelpDesk. Prevent spam situations and manage email addresses or domains with Trusted and Blocked lists.

If you want to manage spam, go to the “Settings” section and find the “Spam” category.

Spam settings in HelpDesk.

Trusted and Blocked listsLink icon

In the “Spam” category, you can see two lists: Trusted and Blocked.

Trusted listLink icon

If you add email addresses and domains to your Trusted list, they won’t be marked as spam.

Trusted list in the spam settings in HelpDesk.

Enter the email address or domain address into the field and click “Add to trusted” to add the address to the Trusted list.

Adding an email address to the Trusted list.

The new trusted email address (for example,, or domain (for example, will appear in your Trusted list.

A new email address added to the Trusted list.

You can delete them at any time using the “Delete” button.

Deleting email address from the Trusted list.

Blocked listLink icon

If you add email addresses (for example,, and domains (for example, to your Blocked list, they will be marked as spam.

Only new tickets from blocked addresses will be marked as spam. Simply adding an address to the Blocked list won’t cause all historical tickets with that address to be automatically marked as spam.
Only new tickets from blocked addresses will be marked as spam. Simply adding an address to the Blocked list won’t cause all historical tickets with that address to be automatically marked as spam.

Blocked list in the spam settings in HelpDesk.

Enter the email address or domain address into the field and click “Add to blocked” to add the address to the Blocked list.

Adding an email address to the Blocked list.

The new blocked email address or domain will appear in your Blocked list.

A new email address added to the Blocked list.

You can delete them at any time using the “Delete” button.

Deleting email address from the Blocked list.

If you give a ticket a “Spam” status, you’ll be asked if you want to add this address to the Blocked list.
If you give a ticket a “Spam” status, you’ll be asked if you want to add this address to the Blocked list.

Marking the ticket as spam and adding it to the Blocked list.

Also, if you notice a ticket in spam that shouldn’t be there, you can give it a different status and then decide whether to move it to the Trusted list.

Marking the ticket as spam and adding it to the Trusted list.

If you want to define a special workflow designed to manage spam for a particular email address or domain, you can use workflows.

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